Health Care Institutions, HIV/AIDS, and Mental Health

Provide an environment for after hours HIV counseling and testing.

Train Community and Peer Educators targeting also non traditional health education settings – salons, bars, barber shops, etc.

Conduct training for community leadership capacity building focusing on HIV/AIDS prevention and community organizing for churches and other community, and neighborhood associations.

Distribute medical equipment and supplies.

Develop and or adapt a culture sensitive mental health training modules for lay leaders focusing on post-war/trauma counseling.

Conduct training workshops in mental health focusing on post-war/trauma




Conduct a needs assessment focusing on program and curriculum development, school supplies, training material, accessibility and availability of national programs, training equipment, and building rehabilitation.

Provide space and facilitate annual training workshops in program and curriculum development, staff development and continuing education in critical areas of interest.

Coordinate the collection, purchase, and distribution of school supplies, training materials, national programs, and training equipment.

Coordinate and facilitate international partnerships for scholarship, research, and international teams for building rehabilitation projects.


Community Organization and Empowerment

Coordinate and facilitate training workshops for women focusing on HIV/AIDS prevention, negotiation skills, accessing available services and interpersonal communication skills. Furthermore, assist participants in accessing resources in the community as well as job training possibilities.

Coordinate and facilitate training workshops on community organizing and empowerment focusing on peace culture, mediation, assets and gift based approach, team building, servant leadership, working with difficult people, and stewardship.