Congo Peace Initiative

Congo Peace Initiative

MMH Hope is working to build an African style of peacebuilding   in the DRC.

The long-term vision for this program is to provide continuous space for promoting, developing and covenanting towards both individual and community cultures of peace under the theme of “Never Again Will Never Be Enough!”  

The vision is to be implemented with two main strategies: 

  1. Developing a Coordination Team under the Mazala Center using electronic systems for follow up and continuous education, monitoring, networking, and continuous reporting.
  2. Coming to the Chota and Under Mulombe Tree 


In the middle of the village, a kiosk will be will be developed among the Chokwe and Lunda peoples. There will be two main symbols of remembrance, resilience, and hope: (1) quilts and (2) mobile walls of small pieces of cloth and pictures. These will be contributed by community members having lost family members due to violence.   

Mulombe Tree

An African Style of Peacebuilding

Mulombe is perceived as sacred for its exceptional size; it is to trees what the elephant is to animals. As a tree, mulombe is as a huge, lifted-up chunk of earth.  Court cases dealt with under the mulombe are believed to lead to transformation of the community in its entirety. The role of the court is to facilitate the restoration of the social balance, peace, and harmony that were disrupted by the troublemakers.  

Mama Makeka
House of Hope

“Where there’s always room for one more…” 

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